Texas Sales Tax Refunds
Are you fully aware of the many exemptions under the Texas sales tax law? If not, you could be overpaying tax. For instance, there is some form of exemption or exclusion on the following purchases:
- Items used in manufacturing
- New construction
- Energy used in residential structures
- Improvements to residential structures
- Data processing
- Services purchased that benefit multistate locations
- Information services
- Services purchased by home/multifamily housing businesses
- Intricacies of the resale exemption
- Property transferred in connection with a taxable service
- Maintenance services

With all of these “exceptions to the general rule,” a no-risk sales tax refund review may benefit a significant number of taxpayers. We provide these services on a contingent fee basis, only taking a percentage of any recoveries obtained.
Businesses in the following industries are the best candidates for obtaining refunds from a refund review.
- Manufacturing
- Restaurants
- Commercial Printers
- Golf Courses
- New Construction (both Home Builders and Commercial)
- Residential Communities (Apartments & Nursing Homes)
Contact us today to schedule an appointment to discuss a sales tax refund review.